Wednesday, September 26, 2012







Our installation consists of two main components, a mechanical globe and an interactive visualization. Each of the continents on the globe functions as a toggle button. If a continent is pressed an Arduino microcontroller sends a serial message to the visualization, and appropriate content will be displayed in real time.

This group project was proposed by the organizers of the Gogbot festival for the Creative Technology bachelor course "Have Fun and Play" at University of Twente.
My role (in collaboration with Paco) was to design and create the globe (both mechanical and electronic part) and write the C code for the Arduino microcontroller.

Quantum Computing Interactive Visualization




Click here to launch Quantum Computing interactive visualization.

This is an interactive visualization of quantum computing. The visualization attempts to explain the basic workings of a quantum transistor to the user.

This group project was proposed by the University of Twente for the Creative Technology bachelor course 'Interactive Visualization'. The visualization was created with the Unity game engine. My role included writing game logic in c#, making 3d models in Blender and textures in Photoshop.




Click here to view 'RELEASE'.

Release is a short visualization coded in processing. The animation shows how a single point evolves to a complex 3d model of headphones, which dissolves to space.

This group project was proposed by the University of Twente for the Creative Technology bachelor course 'Introduction to Mathematics and Modelling'.




Big Data Visualization Tool can be used to visualize Twitter users' meta data collected from last 200 tweets. Information on users behavior (such as the persons sleep cycle) can be derived from the collected data.

This group project was proposed by IBM for the Creative Technology bachelor course 'Living and Working Tomorrow' at University of Twente.
My role included writing code in processing, designing the look and feel of the program and designing vector icons.

Restaurant 2.0


Restaurant 2.0 is a smart environment, that ensures that a restaurant has enough ingredients in stock for each dish it is offering for it's customers. Restaurant 2.0 consists of a pressure sensor enabled shelf, database, a server and an interactive menu.

This group project was realized for the Creative Technology bachelor course 'Smart Environments' at the University of Twente. My role was to design graphics and program the interactive menu in processing for android.